charm pack sewing fabric scraps project free-motion patchwork quilting tutorial

Patchwork beach bag using 5 inch charm squares

Patchwork beach bag tutorial

Thanks to ReannaLily Designs for the free beach bag pattern.

I decided to use Fandango by Kate Spain charm square pack to make this bag. Therefore I had to adapt some of the measurements.

The final dimensions of my bag are: 23 in L x 11 3/4 in H x 14 1/4 W, big enough for 2 king size towels and all the swimming gear.

I also had to redraw the sides of the bag because when I printed the pattern on an A4 piece of paper the pattern was too small. I’m not sure what I did wrong.

You will need 40 charm squares to make this bag.

Sew the charms as per picture with 5 charms across x 8 charms long.

I made the rest of the bag following ReannaLily’s free beach bag pattern (pdf) tutorial.

For the sides of the bag I took advantage of the lovely fabric pattern and I stitched along the lines in a free motion manner.

Gathered handles


  • 2 strips 2 1/2 x 27 inches (I used different fabric for front and back of handles)
  • 2 strips 2 3/4 x 34 inches

Fusible interfacing

  • 2 strips 2 1/4 x 26 1/2 inches
Draw a line along the 2 3/4 in strips of fabric. This is where you will be gathering the fabric using a baste stitch. Check my Kid’s draughtman’s pouch tutorial for details on how to make this type of handle.

Apply interfacing to the other strip of fabric.

Stitch both strips of fabric right sides together.

Turn inside out and apply ribbon through the middle of the strip.

Attach the handles following the free beach bag pattern (pdf) instructions.

The bag is family size.

The charm squares are arranged in a way that the bag is a different colour each side: reddish and bluish.


  1. This is lovely. I really like that Fandango fabric. The only problems for me are that I live nowhere near a beach and secondly, I live in England! We don’t exactly get much beach weather.


  2. Hi, I love your variation on this bag. Can you clarify something for me so I get it right?

    When you applied interfacing to the polka dotted fabric for the handle, it appears that your fabric strip is pieced. Did you sew two pieces of fabric to get your required length? I’m afraid that I’m missing a step and don’t want to go wrong.

    Like some others, we don’t live near a beach, either. But this bag is perfect for carrying needlework like knitting & crocheting, too. It’s beautiful and so practical. Congratulations!


  3. Hi Helen

    I did piece the handle yes, because I didn’t have enough fabric to cover the single length of the handle.

    You’ll be able to fit a lot of knitting supplies in that bag! It’s HUGE!


  4. Here we are years later, I see this bag and I Love IT! My boys are grown, sorta around 20, when we go to the beach I still have to take everything. But I think I would add a zipper and use it as an over night bag/weekender bag, plenty of room and buy another charm pack to make matching make-up bag, lingerie bag, etc. What fun! That you so much for the pattern❤😳 Jen

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I think I know what the problem may have been with your end pieces….did you print fit to page or default? there i a difference of nearly an inch between print (size) to fit and default….the default came out just over 10″ along the long side…….


  6. Hi Teresa, this was a long time ago but it’s quite likely the printer scaled the template like you suggest.


  7. Do you have a video tutorial for this? I have looked and looked. I am a novice and this is the first bag type thing I have ever tried to make. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

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