beginner quilt block easy quilting easy sewing project quilting turnabout patchwork turnaboutpatchwork

Rose garden quilt pattern, Turnabout patchwork

HST and squares quilt block, Turnabout patchwork book

Star blocks are usually very popular with quilters and in particular Hunter’s Star is an all time favourite.

I came across my technique to make this block and its many variations a bit by accident. But it’s great and quick. And the number of blocks you can make is endless. Some more efficient than others, true, but you’re guaranteed having fun playing with it.

This block is one of the most versatile ones in my book Turnabout patchwork.

You will find 1 quilt pattern featuring this block in the book and 3 illustrated quilt-pattern variations.

Now let’s see all the variations of this technique in a real project.

Today we’re joined by Anne of  Said with Love, Joanne of Quilts by JoanneSarah of The Quilted DiaryBecca of Pretty PineySarah of Sew Joy Creations and Sarah of Piccolo Studio.

These fantastic quilt designers and quilters have made projects starting with just two contrasting squares. Don’t forget to check their blogs to see their great work as well as read their experience with my book.

Hunter’s star variation bonus block

But there are so many variations of this block. Just change slightly the position of the squares to make a 4 patch and you get a new block and quilt design. Change the orientation of the 4 patch squares and you get a new block and quilt design! You could mix and match colours for the 4 patch and again a new quilt design would emerge, and so on and so forth!

Rose garden Star quilt, TeresaDownUnder

My book Turnabout Patchwork

“Turnabout Patchwork. Simple quilts with a twist” is all about playing with blocks – making a block, slicing it up, and turning or repositioning the pieces to make a completely different block (sometimes two smaller blocks) to yield endless quilt tops.

See all the quilts in the book in a real life project

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  • On Instagram please tag me with @teresadownunder and hashtag #teresadownunder
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  1. For me it has to be the ‘Rose Garden Star’ quilt. I plan to use the patten and some Christmas fabric from my stash for this year’s Christmas gifts!


  2. I would love to be entered in your drawing. I am enthralled with the diamond star pattern and how many variations one can make. Thank you for considering me. I am a relatively new quilter and am loving the many possibilities. Kathy Carrick

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  3. My favorite was the Diamond Star with the Nancy Zieman fabric. Not usually a floral person, but this is beautiful.


  4. I am in love with the Rose Garden Star Quilt and even pulled much loved (and hoarded) fabric from my stash to make it. Thank you Teresa for the fabulous hop and all of the great new to me bloggers I never knew before!


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