craft decorating idea easy sewing project sewing tutorial

Heart pincushion tutorial


  • Scraps of fabric
  • Buttons
  • Any embellishment
  • Polyfill

Note: To make this pin cushion you can either use the heart cutout from the appliqué in my tutorial Love is the answer… hot water bottle cozy or just use Love is the answer whatever the question appliqué (pdf) heart shape and cut out the heart from any quilt block you have left over from another project.

To cut the back of the pincushion, place the heart face down over the right side of the back fabric and pin together.

Cut along the heart line.

Stitch together leaving a couple of inches open to turn heart inside out.  Make some cuts along the curves of the heart as per photo.

Turn inside out.

Insert polyfill.

Close heart opening.

Back of heart.

Place flower and front buttons opposite each other and stitch together pulling strongly in the middle.

The pincushion is done!


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